Ways To Give



Make Checks Payable To: Embassy Covenant Church International Address: 195 Ladd Road, Walled Lake, MI 48390


Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers for your giving questions right here.

How does Embassy spend the money we give?

We proclaim the good news of the gospel, teach adults and children how to follow Jesus as disciples, train leaders, fund new church plants, launch specialized programs, engage in community outreach, and more!

Are we required to give to be a part of this church?

No! But we certainly hope you will give as an expression of your faith in God and your support of the vision God has given our ministry. 

Should I be "tithing"?

Tithing is a biblical principle with promise. It is a form of worship that is based on your relationship with the Living God. We encourage people to give because this form of worship opens doors for blessings in your life.

How much should I give?

This is entirely up to you and God. Remember, the person who sows bountifully will reap bountifully, and the Word encourages us to give what we have purposed in our hearts to give. Tithing involves giving a tenth of your income and is a helpful principle spoken of in the Bible. 

Are my contributions tax-deductible?

Yes! We provide you with a letter of contribution every January, provided that you have made contributions in a way that can be tracked and assigned to you.