Children are the pride and joy of the Kingdom. They are the answers to the issues of this world! Instilling the Faith in our children is how we ensure spiritual legacy. We are honored to serve and minister to your children with excellence and love.

Nursery: 1yr old (walking) to 3 yrs old
Primary: 4-8 yrs old
Juniors: 9-13 yrs old
Your child will be exposed to the Word of God and encouraged to ask questions and think about what is being taught. We worship together and challenge every child to come to know the living God.
Embassy parents play a pivotal role in our community. Our Kingdom Kid teachers offer a supplement to the foundational teaching parent do at home.
Our mission is to develop young people who are passionately in love with Jesus. Each week, future world-changers grow more in love with God and His people through worship, interactive lessons, and of course, fun! It’s not babysitting; it’s character development.
Our Children. Our Family. Our Community.
“The children are our future” is an old cliché but true nonetheless. Investing in our future world-changers is critical. The wellbeing of our children directly affects our families and community. It is our privilege to sow into every child we meet. While you are in worship, rest assured that your child is also receiving truth and an understanding about this great Faith!

Our Focus
Core Values
At Embassy, we believe core values guide our real-time decisions. Equipping your child with core truths will help them become who they are meant to be.
Character isn’t developed overnight or without intentionality. Embassy wants to partner with your family to help you develop your future leader.
This great Faith needs the next generation. The tenets of our Faith must be instilled in our children. Embassy aims to support families in doing just that.