
serving god's people

Meeting Your Needs, Right Where You Are.
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How To Get The Ministry Support You Need!

Embassy Metro Detroit is a full-service ministry, here to bring you into the fullness of who you are in Christ. Here’s what you can expect!

Questions? Call

(947) 777-0797

Mail For Inquiry



First, submit the request form for the ministry support you would like to receive.


Second, once your submitted form is received by our office, you will receive a call confirming that we have received your request. If you submit your request over the weekend, our offices will contact you on Monday.


After you have heard from our office, you will receive a call from the ministry support you requested to get you scheduled.

Ministries Serving Your Need

If you were moved to seek additional support in an area of your life after a Sunday service, this page will help you get connected to the ministries you need to walk in victory.

Inner Healing

This ministry helps believers overcome areas where they have experienced long-lasting difficulty.

Deliverance Ministry

This ministry helps believers overcome areas where they have experienced difficulty.

Prophetic Ministry

Receive one-on-one personal ministry. There is a divine blueprint for every person.


Take your faith to the next level. Decide to be baptized and walk in covenant.

Baby Dedication

Dedicating your child into the hands of God is a benefit to every Embassy member.

Pastor Counseling

Sometimes we all need a little help along the way. Our team of anointed pastors will walk with you.

Kingdom Order of Ascension Gifts

Our team of ascension gifts take on cases that require the mind of God manifested in their lives.

Holy Ghost Impartation

Do you desire to be baptized in the Holy Ghost? Holy Ghost impartations will walk you into another level of salvation.